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Global Gaming Industry Stakes $647 Billion on Digital Transformation by 2027

Global Gaming Industry
Posted on January 26, 2024

A new report on the global gaming industry shows that it is moving rapidly towards modernization and online gambling, according to a recent article by Casino News Daily. The industry generated over $517 billion in 2022, with projections that it will grow to over $647 billion by 2027.

The driving force behind this growth is increased technology utilization and online gambling. More players are accessing games through internet-connected devices, leading to massive revenue growth in online gambling and betting. This shift towards online platforms provides convenience, flexibility, and a wider variety of gaming options.

Additionally, the gaming industry is modernizing through innovations like virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain integration. These technologies provide more immersive and secure player experiences that appeal to tech-savvy consumers. The metaverse also promises new growth opportunities as virtual worlds and economies are created around gaming.

The article specifically highlights growth in the Asia-Pacific region, which accounted for over $201 billion in gaming revenue in 2022. Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are key markets where internet penetration and adoption of new technologies has fueled rapid expansion. These trends are expected to make Asia-Pacific the largest gaming market by 2027.

For countries like New Zealand, further modernization of gaming presents regulatory challenges but also economic opportunities. Online gambling generates tax revenues, creates tech jobs and opportunities for innovation. However, responsible gambling measures must be implemented to protect players. Expanding internet access in rural areas may also help more citizens access online gaming platforms.

Overall, the global gaming landscape is being transformed by evolving consumer habits and emerging technologies. Companies that leverage these shifts, like providing 5G cloud gaming or betting apps, will see huge opportunities for growth in coming years. But regulators face an equally urgent mission to update frameworks and policies to suit this fast-changing industry.


A new report on the global gaming industry shows that it is moving rapidly towards modernization and online gambling, according to a recent article by Casino News Daily. The industry generated over $517 billion in 2022, with projections that it will grow to over $647 billion by 2027.

The driving force behind this growth is increased technology utilization and online gambling. More players are accessing games through internet-connected devices, leading to massive revenue growth in online gambling and betting. This shift towards online platforms provides convenience, flexibility, and a wider variety of gaming options.

Additionally, the gaming industry is modernizing through innovations like virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain integration. These technologies provide more immersive and secure player experiences that appeal to tech-savvy consumers. The metaverse also promises new growth opportunities as virtual worlds and economies are created around gaming.

The article specifically highlights growth in the Asia-Pacific region, which accounted for over $201 billion in gaming revenue in 2022. Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are key markets where internet penetration and adoption of new technologies has fueled rapid expansion. These trends are expected to make Asia-Pacific the largest gaming market by 2027.

For countries like New Zealand, further modernization of gaming presents regulatory challenges but also economic opportunities. Online gambling generates tax revenues, creates tech jobs and opportunities for innovation. However, responsible gambling measures must be implemented to protect players. Expanding internet access in rural areas may also help more citizens access online gaming platforms.

Overall, the global gaming landscape is being transformed by evolving consumer habits and emerging technologies. Companies that leverage these shifts, like providing 5G cloud gaming or betting apps, will see huge opportunities for growth in coming years. But regulators face an equally urgent mission to update frameworks and policies to suit this fast-changing industry.