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In what way the online gambling industry has been changed by the Blockchain technology?

One of the technologies that have penetrated more in recent times is that of cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. To begin with, the cryptocurrency refers to a type of digital money, being the most known and important in the world, the Bitcoin. On the other hand, Blockchain is a means to transfer money without the intervention of banking entities that usually centralize operations. In this way, these two elements have made transactions with money exchange safer and faster.

In this sense, these wonderful advantages have caused many changes in the way in which business is handled. However, one of the industries that have been able to take advantage of all the benefits of this modern technology is online gambling, entertainment, and casinos. This is because all the conditions that are handled in them are ideal for the application in online gaming platforms. For this reason, their characteristics will be described below in what way they have transformed the way they play on the Internet.

What is the Blockchain?

To begin with, it is important to define what the Blockchain is and how it works. It is a huge ledger in which the blocks or registers are linked and coded, which acts as a large database of distributed and insured information. In this way, all the operations that are carried out are protected, guaranteeing privacy and security. This mechanism can be applied in any kind of transactions, so they should not necessarily be limited to the economic sector.

The only requirement of the Blockchain is that some users who play the role of nodes must necessarily participate. They will be responsible for checking each of the transactions recorded in the book of accounts, which vary with respect to the block in which they are located. In this way, the operations of any type of banking or governmental intermediary that centralize the processes and management are separated. This means that all steps are left to the users themselves and the banks have nothing to do with each other.

The operation of the Blockchain is quite basic, and the best way to explain it is through the following example: user 1 wants to transfer a certain amount of money to user 2, this movement is shown as a block, which passes to all nodes of the system and then these will proceed to its approval, thus determining that the transaction is valid. Thus, the block is appended to the chain, which generates a completely clear record of the transaction. Finally, the transfer of money between user 1 and user 2 takes place.

Influence of Blockchain on online games

The gaming platforms that have adapted to the cryptocurrency technology are getting more and more, which has allowed them to grow in incredible ways. In the case of casinos that work with digital currencies, they create their own block in chains and, in turn, have their own currencies, which may be compatible with other cryptocurrencies that are in the market. In this way, having their own blocks, they can freely do without those suppliers of programs that are obsolete. Among the benefits that the use of this methodology has, are the following:

  • No matter where in the globe the people are, transactions are made quickly, almost immediately.
  • The currency is free. The digital currencies are a type of independent money that does not keep any type of link or dependence with governmental or banking entities. For this reason, it can be used in any area of the world.
  • They cannot be faked. As they are digitally created coins, each one is unique and unforgeable.
  • No commissions. Each of the operations carried out with the Bitcoin and Blockchain, not being subject to federal laws or regulations, the percentages released as a commission for the transfers will be very low, almost non-existent.
  • Security and anonymity. Because when executing transactions with cryptocurrencies, no type of banking or personal information is requested, users can count on the security of anonymity.

What is the Blockchain?

To begin with, it is important to define what the Blockchain is and how it works. It is a huge ledger in which the blocks or registers are linked and coded, which acts as a large database of distributed and insured information. In this way, all the operations that are carried out are protected, guaranteeing privacy and security. This mechanism can be applied in any kind of transactions, so they should not necessarily be limited to the economic sector.

The only requirement of the Blockchain is that some users who play the role of nodes must necessarily participate. They will be responsible for checking each of the transactions recorded in the book of accounts, which vary with respect to the block in which they are located. In this way, the operations of any type of banking or governmental intermediary that centralize the processes and management are separated. This means that all steps are left to the users themselves and the banks have nothing to do with each other.

The operation of the Blockchain is quite basic, and the best way to explain it is through the following example: user 1 wants to transfer a certain amount of money to user 2, this movement is shown as a block, which passes to all nodes of the system and then these will proceed to its approval, thus determining that the transaction is valid. Thus, the block is appended to the chain, which generates a completely clear record of the transaction. Finally, the transfer of money between user 1 and user 2 takes place.

Influence of Blockchain on online games

The gaming platforms that have adapted to the cryptocurrency technology are getting more and more, which has allowed them to grow in incredible ways. In the case of casinos that work with digital currencies, they create their own block in chains and, in turn, have their own currencies, which may be compatible with other cryptocurrencies that are in the market. In this way, having their own blocks, they can freely do without those suppliers of programs that are obsolete. Among the benefits that the use of this methodology has, are the following:

  • No matter where in the globe the people are, transactions are made quickly, almost immediately.
  • The currency is free. The digital currencies are a type of independent money that does not keep any type of link or dependence with governmental or banking entities. For this reason, it can be used in any area of the world.
  • They cannot be faked. As they are digitally created coins, each one is unique and unforgeable.
  • No commissions. Each of the operations carried out with the Bitcoin and Blockchain, not being subject to federal laws or regulations, the percentages released as a commission for the transfers will be very low, almost non-existent.
  • Security and anonymity. Because when executing transactions with cryptocurrencies, no type of banking or personal information is requested, users can count on the security of anonymity.
Similar to Martingale, it is one of the simplest and, surprisingly, the most effective to use. There are no big risks of losses and, according to the method, the player will get good profits. D’Alembert establishes, then, that with each loss the player must increase his bet one dollar and, after each win, he must reduce it by the same amount.